Beard Transplantation - HairextreM Clinic

The beard transplantation is as important for men as the hair, making your beard look impressive. This problem usually caused by testosterone hormones and greatly undermines the appearance of men as well as their confidence. In order to eliminate this problem, the patients are choosing the beard transplantation.. As a result of this process , for the face shapes of people, they can have any beard or moustache. This will increase the person’s self -confident and gives you a different atmosphere.

Starting with the advice of doctors, the procedure of beard transplantation is done as a result of examinations. During this examination, the needs of the implant area and how many grafts will be taken from the donor area are analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the people will enter into the operation and they undergo the procudere as same as the fue operation.

Beard Transplantation

The procedure of beard transplantation is applied with considering the person's chin, cheek, whiskers and face shape. This process can also be done to hide acne scars and in that situation the real purpose is to cover up the scars.

The beard loss may have for different reasons. Beards which do not come out due to hereditary reasons can cause damage to the person's self-confidence. In addition, as a result of burns, the cell loses their function and the beard problem can be experienced.

The Mustache And Beard Transplantation

The mustache is the most important factor in the formation of male identity and it can cause serious social problem for a person. Sparse mustaches , no hair growth in a certain area of the mustache or burns,all of these may create unaesthetic problems for the person. In this case of men, not having hair on the upper lip or having hair loss, the precise treatment is mustache transplantation.

A person may regret having a mustache transplantation if it has been badly performed. For this reason, the person who will be operated must consult with the a preffesional doctor in his field and ask to him questions and get satisfactory answers. This shows the importance of the consultancy.

The grafts to be transplanted are taken from the nape area. For this, individual hair roots are taken with 0.6 mm punches which are been use in the fue method from the lightest part of nape hair

Local anesthesia is applied to the area before the operation. After the local anesthesia performed in the area where the mustache or beard is to be planted, the channels are carefully opened by the expert with the lateral slit technique according to the directions of natural beard and mustache. If the transplantation is performed like this, no dents appears in the skin even when shaved with a razor.

After the operation, especially the first 3 days the mustache area must be protected.Any movement that may cause irritation and damage should be avoided. It is natural to observe redness for the first 3-4 days following the operation and this can continue until the end of first month.The redness will become scabs and after a week later, it will continue healing. Do not neglect to apply creams to prevent scabbing after the mustache transplantation. You can start shaving after 30 days. After 2 months, the hair starts to grow in the area where the transplantation has been performed and all the mustache grow back within one year.

Mustache transplantation is not like hair transplantation. It is absolutely necessary to have an experienced team in this regard.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does the transplanted hair fall out?

    Transplanted hair never falls out. It stays for life

  • Does the grafts taken from the donor area grow back?

    The grafts taken from the donor area never grow back. That is why for each 5 grafts we take 2 and leave 3 to hide but the removal is done in a homogeneous way so that it is not visible.

  • Is the transplant feasible for patients with chronic illnesses?

    The hair transplant is feasible for patients who have chronic illnesses too, except that the rate of the hair that does not hold can be higher.

  • Until what age can patients have hair transplant?

    There is no specific age for the hair transplant. As long as the patient's health situation allows the transplant is feasible.

  • From what age is the hair transplant feasible?

    The hair transplant generally can be done around twenty  but it depends on the individual patient's fall as well as the genetic factor. If the patient loses their hair completely before that ages the transplant is feasible.

  • What are the causes of hair loss?

    There are several bills that can be the cause of hair loss, but the main cause is the genetic factor. There is also the stress, the lack of vitamins and the patient's eating habits.

  • Is the hair transplant possible on scars or burns?

    The hair transplant is possible on scars and burns as well as the rate of hair that does not hold can be higher. 

  • Is the transplant feasible for women without shaving their hair completely?

    The transplant is feasible for women without shaving their hair completely for using the DHI technique.  But you should also know the causes of hair loss before the operation.

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